- I studied Informatik at the Fachhochschule Karlsruhe and participate since its existance (1998) nearly each summer in the informatica feminale, a summer college Informatik for woman, in Bremen.
- If you want to study Informatik, too, then have a look at the Studienführer Informatik. Another possibility is to look at the sites of the Fachschaften.
- During my studies I have been a long time student representative in the Fachbereichstag Informatik, Fachbereichsrat Informatik, in the Fachschaft Informatik and in the AStA.
- Once a semester is the KIF (Konferenz der Informatik Fachschaften), which also names the student representative for the Fachbereichtages and the Fakultätentages.
- Where good books and websites to learn programming for beginners have been collected. (Sorry, the site is in German!)
- I have been member in the GI (Gesellschaft für Informatik) and I am still in the FifF (Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung).
- Further I am interessted in the Fachgruppe 8.1 Frauenarbeit und Informatik of the GI an in the FiNuT (Konferenz für Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik - conference for women in science and technology).
- I am working at EVA Computer-Service and I give IT-courses at the VHS Karlsruhe and at the informatica feminale.
- You can see the nice side of Informatik for example at the ZKM - Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie in Karlsruhe or at TIME'S UP (Laboratory for the construction of experimental Situations) in Linz, Austria.
- Wenn du etwas besser in Deutsch bist, ...